Hi Lou,
About your very balanced views about SSM.
I only know one thing – that the SS couples have a different wiring in their brains.
Its not their fault, as they have not been brought up like that, neither by their parents nor by the society in which they live..
On the other hand they had to fight all their lives and had to live an unhappy life, because of their mental situation.
Who then wired their brains the way they are?
So when we criticise them, and make them feel to be a sinner, we are in fact criticising God, and His wisdom and creation.
And what is marriage? God DID NOT MARRY Adam and Eve. Even the Bible does not say that.
So marriage is not a divine thing. Its a relationship created by the society in order to ensure its sustenance.
Without marriage, responsibilities to children, and rights to property and succession will always create conflicts.
In actual fact, this must have been the basis of creating the institution of marriage.
In many tribal societies initially, there were no fixed partners and that always created conflicts.
So, women were considered as “owned” by the man who kept them, and who looked after them.
They were his property. That was the time of polygamy,as there were few men, due to more deaths of men due to tribal wars.
As society became more civilized, more laws for control came in to avoid conflicts.
This was the basis of monogamy.
So God neither defined the concept of marriage nor created the institution of marriage – much less decided that its the union of a man and woman
God’s rules cannot be violated – rocks do not rise in air of their own without an external force. Newton or Einstein – none can do that.
To think that we have the divine right to say what two people can do or not is to be dominating.
Because we have the majority so minority can be crushed.
Imagine if there was a society of homosexuals, where they were in majority, and heterosexuals were in mionority, and
They dictated that any heterosexual union is illegal, how will the proponents of anti SSM feel?
As far as the Marriage Act is considered, if it violates the constitutional rights of SSM then it should be thrown out by the court.Constitution is supreme.
Pravin Gupta