
Who wrote the reading for your ceremony?

Have been researching some rituals and readings online and am continually surprised (though shouldn’t be by now), at the number of poems and readings that are attributed incorrectly, or have no author listed at all when with a simple web search, the author can usually be found quickly.

One reading that is recurrent on the list is the Apache Wedding Blessing.

It goes by different names and is often portrayed as being genuinely Native American but is actually from the 1947 novel Blood Brothers written by Elliot Arnold. It was also used in the 1950 movie, Broken Arrow, which was based on his book, but New Yorker, Elliot Arnold was not a Native American and so it is definitely not a traditional Native American blessing.

The next is Desiderata. You don’t hear it very often anymore but was very popular in the 1970’s and is still read at funerals. Promoted as being found in the basement of an ancient church and written by a Monk in 1692, was actually written in 1927 by American writer Max Ehrmann.

Both are nonetheless, excellent works.

Today though I was searching for a Polish wedding blessing and realised almost all of the supposed traditional Polish blessings I found on the web, were actually traditional Irish Blessings. Ireland does have a very large Polish presence but the Patron Saint of Poland is St Stanislaw, not St Patrick and I got quite a laugh picturing a toast to Guinness being made with a Vodka and I have difficulty enough speaking Polish, let alone with an Irish accent.




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